It’s Time to Read a Book!
If you were looking for a sign, this is it! It’s time for a break! If you’re 12 or older, we have got a fabulous book recommendation for you.
Mistborn (A Trilogy)
The Final Empire: Book One
All through my childhood I was obsessed with fantasy novels. At one stage I was looking for something a bit different to Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, and Mistborn was the perfect series. In a world where ash falls constantly from the sky and a strange mist covers the land at night, Vin, a late-teenaged girl, finds herself able to harness a variety of different powers. After being discovered by a man named Kelsier, she finds out that these powers come from the consumption of different metals, with each metal providing a different power. Only Mistborns have control of all metals like she does. Other allomancers – the name given to those able to use metals – can only use one. However, as Vin discovers, not all Mistborns use their powers for good, especially not their tyrannical Lord Ruler and his protectors, who have divided society into the rich Nobility and the poor, oppressed Skaa people.
- Tom Boyd