Dealing with Exam Stress

We’ve all been there, you know a test or exam is coming up and you start stressing. So what do we do? How can you overcome this? 

Stress is that ‘yucky’ feeling in your body when you’re trying to adjust to a situation, especially when you feel that  you cannot cope. Stress can reduce your productivity, concentration and ability to think clearly. 

So, How do we cope? 

Be Prepared: 

This may sound obvious, but the more prepared you are for your exam, the less you will need to stress. Quite simply, how can you reduce the stress you feel for your upcoming maths test? Study maths! Practice your work so you know you understand what may come up on the test to the best of your ability. 

Make sure you are aware of the stressor, what day is it? How long do you have to prepare? It is much better to know this, having the test ‘sprung’ on you the night before will cause a whole lot more stress. 

Set-up time management skills and a study plan. 

Change your mindset: 

Well as cliché as it may sound, your mindset is very important when it comes to dealing with stress.

What would happen if you looked at your Maths exam as a challenge that you are ready for and going to work hard to overcome? As opposed to a terrifying threat? You will find it has much less of a negative impact. Viewing your tests and exams as something which you are excited to overcome motivates you to try, as opposed to scaring away from it. 

Stay positive, believe in your abilities, remind yourself of how smart you are and that you can do it!

And if in fact, this exam is going to be extremely difficult for you, understanding and recognising that although you may not get 100%, it will not kill you, you will learn from it for next time. 

Practice Stress Reducing behaviours:

Social Support can help you through your school stress. Think about who you have in your life to give you support, whether it be your family, friends, a teacher, or your tutor.  Talk to them about how you’re feeling, and they will try their best to help you through.

Take a deep breath, go on a walk, try a guided meditation. Clearing your head and relaxing may be your best tool for getting through. 

Overall, exams can be stressful, but you're not alone, Unleash tutors are here to help you succeed in your tests, SACs, and VCE exams! All we ask is that try your best, and take a deep breath, you’ll get through it - the result will take care of itself. 

- Kat


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